Visual Vocabulary: Doodles 51 to 59
Today I’m changing pace somewhat with the visual vocabulary work we have been doing over the past 10 weekly lessons. For starters I’m no longer going to present you with a four step process on how to create each doodle. Instead, I want to make an effort to just present each doodle in a very simplistic way.
Therefore instead of receiving five visual vocabulary doodles per week, I will instead provide you with nine doodles for each lesson. These doodles will not be broken down step-by-step, however I don’t think you will need a breakdown as they will be presented in a very simplified way using elements of the visual alphabet.
I will also no longer be doing the 10 second doodle challenge. However, all these doodles can most certainly be created within 10 seconds, and all it takes is just a little practice.
I have made these changes because I want to provide you with more doodles per lesson including doodle representations of abstract words. In this way I feel you will have a larger variety of doodles to work with when it comes to creating your visual notes.
For today’s lesson, I’m starting with the letter “A“, and I’ll progressively move through the alphabet in the weeks ahead. Today specifically let’s take a look at how to doodle the following words: Apple, Ant, Audience, Ambulance, Astronaut, Abundance, Alien, Alone and Alarm.
How many other ways can you doodle these words?
These doodles only of course represent just one way these objects can be doodled. There are many possible ways that you could potentially represent them visually. If you’re up for a challenge then I would like to ask you to try your hand at doodling at least one additional variation for each of the nine words.
When you’re done, please email your doodles through to me at It would be a pleasure to post them on this page to help inspire others along this journey.
Please click on image to enlarge.
Please share your thoughts…
I would of course love to hear from you. Tell me about how you found these doodles. Were they easy or difficult to draw? Did you have any specific troubles? What were your biggest challenges? How easy or difficult was it to come up with alternate variations for each of these five doodles? I look forward to hearing from you.