
Visual Vocabulary: Doodles 16 to 20

Today we are going to take a look at how to doodle five things in and around the ocean. We will specifically explore a four step process of how to doodle an anchor, an island, an octopus, a sailboat, and a shark. With a little practice you should be able to re-create each of these doodles within less than 10 seconds.

Initially take your time following the four-step instructions provided below. Then once you’re familiar with the process re-create these doodles without referring to these examples. And of course, keep perfecting your technique until you are able to doodle them within 5 to 10 seconds. Keep in mind that you don’t need to add all the details I have added to these doodles. Details are there if you have more time on your hands. Certainly play around with them, but don’t get lost in the details.

Finally, don’t worry about whether or not things are perfect. Perfection does not matter when it comes to doodling. This is after all not about artwork but rather about getting your ideas across in the quickest and most straightforward way possible.

Here are this week’s doodle examples:

how to doodle anchor

how to doodle island

how to doodle octopus

how to doodle sailboat

how to doodle shark

The Speed Doodling 10 Second Challenge…

Below you will find my attempts at doodling these objects in less than 10 seconds. As you can see my doodles are far from perfect; my lines don’t always connect and are very wobbly; and I have left some details out that I didn’t feel were necessary. However, there is probably enough detail here for you to recognize what these doodles represent. And that’s the key when it comes to doodling.

You can of course spend more time on your doodles, but when you just don’t have the time it’s quite handy to know how to doodle quickly. And of course the more you practice the better you’ll get.

10 second speed doodling ocean objects

How many other ways can these objects be doodled?

These doodles only of course represent just one way these objects can be drawn. There are many possible ways that you could potentially represent them visually. If you’re up for a challenge then I would like to ask you to first practice doodling these objects as presented within my examples, then try and doodle two or three variations of these objects in less than 10 seconds.

When you’re done, please email them through to me at info@iqdoodle.com. It would be a pleasure to post them on this page to help inspire others along this journey.

Please click on images to enlarge.

Please share your thoughts…

I would of course love to hear from you. Tell me about how you found these doodles. Were they easy or difficult to draw? Did you have any specific troubles? What were your biggest challenges? How easy or difficult was it to come up with alternate variations for each of these five doodles? I look forward to hearing from you.